Friday, January 8, 2010

5 Syllables Thumping...

His poetry moves me...
Beyond ocean shorelines he pulls me down to ocean bottoms...
making me re-evaluate the very purpose as to why my weakest organ never felt this strongly...
5 syllables thumping, 2 stanzas at a time...his poetry composes me and I'm made up of his rhyme.
We have never met but it feels as if his eyes connect with mine,
through the very paper where his words lie, through the very emotion he intended to imply he’s got my poetic judgment mesmerized.
The words his mind has synchronized create the lines that take my breath away. Taking my breath away like a perfectly star illuminated sky.
I dance with the verses he composes, and I am silenced by the stanzas that leave me daunted.
He’s that of a craftsman, making simple language complex to the point where deciphering is what’s intended, because he creates meaning beyond well constructed sentences. His eyes go beyond ocean shorelines, he pulls me down to ocean bottoms…and his verses take my breath away...
I heard he wrote some good songs, I heard he had a style, I felt he found my soul, and wrote each word that’s found, beneath the walls that have me, enslaved in past mistakes….
His verses moved me, like faith moves believers… his verses engulfed my reason, beyond anything…he reached me.

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